Thursday, March 13, 2014

Zucchini Chutney ( Thogayal ) | Zucchini Recipes

zucchini chutney

Zucchini is a vegetable/fruit which i recently got up with it.I want to bake a bread with it but after deciding much i thought to first go with an Indian recipe.Soon will try bread and let know.

Preparation time: under 10 mins
Cooking time: under 10 mins
Serves-2 to 3


  • Zucchini-1 ,cubed
  • onion-1 chopped
  • Garlic pods-2 r 3
  • Tamarind -a small piece
  • Red chilly-2 r 3( or mix of both red n green)
  • Salt to taste
  • oil-2 tsp

To temper:

  • Oil-1 tsp
  • Mustard-1\2 tsp
  • curry leaves-few


 This is how it look some what similar to cucumber, You can either peel the skin or use it with it.I used it with skin.Clean and chop it in to pieces.

1.Heat oil in pan add onion and saute well then add red chilly and tamarind and saute.

2.Then add the zucchini piece and saute till it a cooked.

3.Cool ,ad everything in a mixer along with salt  and make a fine paste ( no need to add water).

4.Transfer it to bowl and temper with oil,mustard,curry leaves and pour over it.

Serve with idli/ dosa or even mix with rice.

Linking to akila's DNSW-Z 

to pari's event  @ PVR


  1. Never tasted it but loving ur chutney.

  2. the chutney looks delicious...

  3. Healthy and tasty chutney..,,!!

  4. thogayal looks extremely delicious and healthy.

  5. Tasty and healthy chutney :)

  6. one time i did kootu with it and it was like cucumber n tasted good .so this must be ver yummy ofcourse.

  7. Zuchini chutney is quite new to me :) Looks quite healthier :)

  8. Healthy and yummy. Fingerlicking good chutney.


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