Thursday, December 31, 2020

Nattu Kozhi Kuzhambu | Country Chicken curry without Coconut | Step by Step

Nattu Kozhi Kuzhambu | Chicken curry without Coconut | Step by Step

Nattu Kozhi kuzhmabu/ Country chicken curry with step by step pictures.

Many of my relatives advised me to avoid broiler chicken and insist to use nattu kozhi/country chicken. But here in its available only on Sunday in the butcher shop near my house. Last Sunday bought a chicken and tried this curry to go with hot steamed rice. Unlike ordinary chicken this meat requires pressure cooking as the flesh are little hard. Also it may not taste good in the first eating itself and you have use it to get adapt to its taste.You get satisfied by eating a healthy meat free from any adulteration.

Monday, December 28, 2020

Rasam | Pepper Rasam | South Indian Rasam | Video Recipe

Rasam is a tamarind soup cooked with coarsely pounded spices.This thin drink usually served in last serve of a big meal help for digestion.This is also good for people who are recovering from the illness or people in sick.

Friday, December 25, 2020

Snowman Cookies-eggless | Christmas Bakes

After seeing many snowman cookies in different blog i too want to try it.As kids have their half yearly exam and were at home my daughter enjoyed making it,she helped me too.

Wednesday, December 23, 2020

Prawns Briyani

This briyani is so easy to make.We all like to have briyani on spl days.I made it for my son's birthday.Try it out.

Thursday, December 17, 2020

Homemade Grape Wine | Christmas Recipe (with video)

Grape wine

Updated on dec.2014(below is the wine colour i got in 2014) [ The reason for more deep colour is that i added some caramel syrup in to it.]

This is the first time I tried the wine and quite happy with the result. I was a bit tensed but gathered the courage to make it. I referred information from many pages..This wine was very good than my rice wine.I think all will be busy shopping ,preparing cakes&cookies ,etc. We too have finished our shopping, kids are waiting to go to native to celebrate Xmas, I am much worried as they are not studying for their exams.

Monday, December 14, 2020

Glass Stained Cookies | Christmas Cookies

Glass stained cookies with step by step pictures.These are so-called because of the glass finished look in the centre of it.The glass effect is by the hard coloured candies which melt in the oven and give the effect as it cools.

Sunday, December 13, 2020

Eggless vanilla pancake | Simple pancake | Breakfast recipe


Eggless vanilla pancake with step by step picture and video.

Pancake is the easiest breakfast option when you don't have any batter leftover in your refrigerator. Just whip up flour with all the ingredients and make them. You can easily pancake with or without eggs. Here I have shared a simple eggless vanilla pancake recipe. My son is a die-hard fan of this pancake and I mostly make pancake only for him. You can use either a mix of maida(APF) and wheat or simple APF.

Thursday, December 10, 2020

Healthy Gingerman Bread Cookies | Christmas Bakes

I was longing to bake this gingerbread cookie for a long time but i don't have this cutter. When i saw it on a bakery suppliers FB page i immediately ordered and got couriered in two days.I have used mixed flours to make it a bit healthy.

Sunday, December 06, 2020

Mulled Wine | Alcoholic and Non-Alcoholic Version| Christmas Recipe

Mulled wine is nothing but an alcoholic drink where red wine is boiled along with spices and then served warm or hot.It best for this Christmas season.I have already post homemade red wine recipe on my blog.I recently did some wine for my dad and was having a bottle of it.I want to make a new drink with it for Christmas and googled up.Mulled wine got my attraction.Each recipe uses different spices and I ended up adding my own spices to make it.

Friday, December 04, 2020

Snake gourd baji | | Podalangai baji | snack recipe


Snack gourd / Podalankai baji with step by step picture and video.

As the weather here in Chennai is rainy and cool we are appetite towards some bhaji/pakora for tea time snack. Bhaji can be made with any vegetable. Just prepare the batter, dip the vegetable, and fry it. Serve it hot with some tomato sauce for evening chai. check out the baji bonda ready mix here.

Thursday, December 03, 2020

Oats Muffins | Healthy Breakfast Muffins

Oats Muffins | Healthy Breakfast Muffins

Oats muffins make an excellent breakfast option as it is loaded with oats, egg, milk.To enhance more nutrition you can even add some nuts/dry fruits in it.For people opting for eggless option avoid egg and use yogurt/curd to get a moister muffin.