Monday, June 09, 2014

Plain Salna | Tomato Salna | Side dish for Parotta,Idiyappam

Plain Salna | Tomato Salna | Side dish for Parotta,Idiyappam

Plain Salna with step by step pictures.
This recipe is my recent invent a day i bought ready-made parotta and tried this easy salna recipe. After tasting it my daughter said its same the one we get in the roadside hotel as a side dish for also use it as a side for idiyappam( string hopper).

Preparation time: under 10 mins
cooking time: under 30 mins
Recipe type: Side dish/gravy
Cuisine: Indian
Author: Babitha Costa
Serves-2 to 3


  • tomato-1 big.chopped
  • Onion-1 big,chopped
  • green chilly-1, slited
  • Oil-3 tsp
  • Saunf/fennel seeds-1\2 tsp
  • Red chilly powder-1 tsp
  • coriander powder-1 tsp
  • Turmeric powder-1\4 tsp
  • Salt to taste

To grind to a fine paste:

  • Grated coconut-1\3 cup
  • cloves-2
  • cinnamon-small piece
  • cardamon-2
  • poppy seeds-1\4 tsp
  • Cashew or fried gram dal(chutney dal)-1 tsp ( i used fried gram dal)
Plain Salna | Tomato Salna | Side dish for Parotta,Idiyappam


1. Grind all the ingredients under "to fine paste".( sorry i didn't click after adding chutney dal).

2. Heat oil a pan add fennel seeds followed by chopped onion and green chilly. Saute till it becomes translucent. then add tomato , cook till it becomes mushy.

3. Then add all dry ingredients, salt and cook till raw smell goes. then add the ground paste and little water and cook till everything blends well . Cook till oil separates on top.

Serve for parotta or idyappam.



  1. this goes well with some naan and chicken fry... yum...

  2. Tasty and tangy salan with hot roti!

  3. looks tempting.. will try sometime..l

  4. Hi i am food lover and this is awesome for me because with food lover i am food maker also it give great feeling when you are making the food with your hand and the recipe also given good.

    translation in ahmedabad | translation service

  5. This is a surprise curry with every parcels that reaches home.. Curry looks tasty....
    Preetha :

  6. do join my events at Cooking With Seeds : Green Peas & Foodabulous Fest

  7. Delicious salna, love it.

  8. Very nice salna. Love this. My mom used to do a plain salna like this long back.


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