Sunday, February 25, 2024

Bread Halwa | Easy Dessert with Bread

Bread halwa a sweet which comes in handy when there no special ingredients in the pantry  to make a sweet.Usually, in many marriages, I have seen they serve this sweet in banana leaf when the main course is biryani.This sweet taste awesome after having heavy biryani.Have you not tasted this combo ,then do try in the home.

Friday, February 23, 2024

Tapioca /Maravalli killangu Maisyal | Side Dish for Rice

மரவள்ளி கிழங்கு /Tapioca is one of my favorites, which I can take it any time of the day in any way.I like to have it plain with some spicy fish curry and some times I make like this kottu version for rice. This tapioca is available in papad/appalam form in our native district which I never miss buying when we go there.

Tuesday, February 20, 2024

Blueberry Lemonade | Blueberry Lemonade using Blueberry Crush

Happy new year to all,You may think why I post-summer drink in winter, I don't cook anything special to blog  as we  are in native for the  Christmas. I notice that it had been a long since I update my blog.So to keep my page active I post this which was in my draft.

Coming to this drink which I made it with readymade blueberry crush. Since the crush had sugar in it I did not add any. but if using fresh blueberry add sugar as per your taste.

Thursday, February 15, 2024

Ginger -Lemongrass Tea | Tea with milk

lemongrass tea

Ginger-lemongrass tea with step by step pictures and video.

I mostly prefer tea/chai for the evening and my day always starts with a cup of coffee. Since my kids don't drink tea or coffee I usually make simple tea or cardamom or ginger tea else combination of both. I have a small garden on my terrace where I grow some flowering plants, a banana tree, and a few kitchen greens. You can check the pictures on my Instagram account. I bought a lemongrass plant long back and had not used it in many recipes. On googling I found it's very useful for weight reduction and decided to first try a tea with it. With the aroma of lemongrass & ginger, the tea tastes so unique and I have decided to make it often.

Wednesday, February 14, 2024

White Chocolate Mousse | No Gelatin or Agar-agar

Happy Children's Day ! My heartful prayers and wishes for all children to have all basic needs with good health.May we too have their innocent thinking in us.On this day I share an easy mousse recipe.I had white chocolate bar sitting in my pantry for while.I actually want to try millet chocolate but didn't so when searching found it mousse recipe and immediately went in action and did it.

Monday, February 12, 2024

ABC Juice | Miracle Drink | Detox Drink

ABC, as the name says its a drink made with apple, beetroot, and carrot.It is also called as miracle drink since it has numerous health benefits.It is also the best detox drink as it helps to flush out toxins from vital organs.Some important health benefits of this drink are heart friendly drink, for spotless clear skin, enhance brain activity, helps in weight loss, boost the immune system and detoxifies vital organs.

Sunday, February 11, 2024

Black Forest Trifle | Dessert Recipe

If you are person like to  indulge an easy dessert after every meal then this comes in handy.If you any left over chocolate cake make this and keep them refrigerated where you can relish them when you have  sudden carving for sweet.Last Saturday i baked a chocolate cake to make this tasty parfait  where i just made a cup having a doubt whether my kids will like it.But my guess was wrong there was fight between the both for it.So please make in large quantity if you have more kids.

Monday, February 05, 2024

2 ingredient strawberry ice cream

Strawberry Icecream | how to make ice cream

2 ingredient ice-cream, yes you read it correctly with just two ingredients you can make this yummy ice cream which doesn't need any fancy machine. I have some whipped powder left and I want to use it in ice cream. When I got some fresh strawberries I decided to make this ice cream. You can make it with any fresh fruit. Since the whipping cream powder has sweet I didn't add any sweetener.