Sunday, February 11, 2024

Black Forest Trifle | Dessert Recipe

If you are person like to  indulge an easy dessert after every meal then this comes in handy.If you any left over chocolate cake make this and keep them refrigerated where you can relish them when you have  sudden carving for sweet.Last Saturday i baked a chocolate cake to make this tasty parfait  where i just made a cup having a doubt whether my kids will like it.But my guess was wrong there was fight between the both for it.So please make in large quantity if you have more kids.

Preparation time: 15 mins
Cooking time: nil
Makes: 1 cup


  • chocolate cake-3 or 4 pieces( either homemade or store brought)
  • cherries-few  (see note)
  • Sugar syrup-  2 tbsp ( just make simple syrup with sugar& water)
  • whipped cream-1\2 cup ( i used non diary whip cream powder( blue bird))
  • chocolate shavings-to garnish


1.Whip the cream powder to soft peak  by adding water to it as illustrated in the pack of it.

2.In the serving glass first add the crumble chocolate cake,wet it with some sugar syrup.

3.Scoop or pipe the whipped cream over the cake .Do these two layers alternatively and let the top most layer be the cream.

4.Set the prepared glass in fridge .While serving top with chocolate shaving and cherry.

Delicious trifle is ready to be served.

Serve chilled. B-)

Enjoy the weekend with this lovely dessert.


1.There is no restrictions in the no of layers.
2.You can even add cherry in between the layers.
3,You can also use tinned cherries,in that case use the syrup in it for wetting the cake.


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