Monday, February 12, 2024

ABC Juice | Miracle Drink | Detox Drink

ABC, as the name says its a drink made with apple, beetroot, and carrot.It is also called as miracle drink since it has numerous health benefits.It is also the best detox drink as it helps to flush out toxins from vital organs.Some important health benefits of this drink are heart friendly drink, for spotless clear skin, enhance brain activity, helps in weight loss, boost the immune system and detoxifies vital organs.

Apple, beetroot, and carrot together make a great combo and one need not add any sugar to this drink.If giving for children strain it else for the adult like us we can just drink it together with the fiber.This drink is very good for women who are suffering too much pain during the menstrual cycle as it relieves any such pains and cramps.Iron is one main nutrient need for all women, so please try to include more iron-rich food in the diet.

Preparation time: under 5 mins
Serves: 2


  • Apples-1\2
  • Carrot-1
  • Beetroot-1\4 no


1.Peel the skin of beetroot wash and chop into pieces.Chop apple and carrot also.

2.Add it to a mixer along with water.Don't add more water as it may reduce the sweetness.

3.Grind finely and pass it through a fine sieve.Collect the juice and discard the residue.

Drink it immediately.

1 comment:

  1. Lovely colored juice with all three healthy ingredients!


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