Sunday, February 25, 2024

Bread Halwa | Easy Dessert with Bread

Bread halwa a sweet which comes in handy when there no special ingredients in the pantry  to make a sweet.Usually, in many marriages, I have seen they serve this sweet in banana leaf when the main course is biryani.This sweet taste awesome after having heavy biryani.Have you not tasted this combo ,then do try in the home.

Since tomorrow is Eid/Ramzan I decided to share this sweet which can be prepared in no matter of time.Just few bread pieces and you are done with the sweet.Here I have used brown bread but you can also use white bread.I have used the bread pieces as full as some people cut the ends and remove it.Its up to you and its nothing wrong in using the sides.

Preparation time: 2 mins
cooking time: 10 mins
Recipe type: sweet/dessert
Recipe Cuisine: Indian
Author: Babitha


  • Bread pieces-4 to 5
  • sugar-1\3 cup 
  • milk-1\2 cup 
  • ghee- 2 tbsp
  • cashew nuts- few

1.Cut the bread pieces into cubes .Heat some of the ghee and toss the bread pieces till it browns a bit.( Be careful not to burn it, Mine got little browned.I trimmed those part and used it )

2.To the toasted pieces add in milk,sugar and mix well.Add in ghee in intervals.

3.When it comes to together as mass switch off.Roast cashew in ghee ,mix with it.

serve the halwa hot.warm or cool.

bread halwa


1.You can use any bread type, white/brown or whole wheat.

2.Some people fry the bread pieces in ghee/oil and make this halwa but I preferred this way as the ghee content is less.

3.You can also toast the bread in the toaster with little ghee and make this.


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