Wednesday, April 30, 2014

Mint Flavoured Foxtail millet/Thinnai Vadam | Vadam recipe with millet

This recipe is also i learnt from podhigai TV channel.I have started tyring all millet varieties in different ways and this vathal is an easy way to introduce millet in our diet as no one will say no to fried snacks.

Monday, April 28, 2014

Ripe mango yogurt curry | Mambhazha Pulissery | Kerala recipe

mambazha pulissery

Today's recipe is a yogurt based gravy ie Mambazha pulissery.As its summer and mangoes are in season try this easy gravy.I already have posted pineapple pulissery in my blog do check it.

Saturday, April 26, 2014

Wheat Flour Balls | Easy sweet recipe

Today's recipe is the one which i tried from divya's space for her facebook give away event.Do drop in there and check out for it.

Thursday, April 24, 2014

Vendhayam / Fenugreek Dosa | Indian Breakfast Recipe

methi seeds dosai

Methi Seed is fibre rich and a best body cooler.It also has many medicinal properties and best for diabetic patient.As its summer i made this dosa for breakfast.

Thursday, April 17, 2014

Foxtail millet ( Thinnai) chocolate | Millet Recipe

As i have said earlier i love to watch DD- podhigai channel cookery show in which they telecast very good recipes and this is  one such, i tried it immediately as I had some chocolate slab .such an easy recipes that even kids will do.

Wednesday, April 16, 2014

Olan - Ash Gourd & cow peas in coconut milk | Onam Sadya Recipe

olan recipe

Olan is one of the dishes in the Onam Sadya menu which is nothing but cowpeas and ash gourd( white pumpkin) cooked in coconut milk. It absolutely has no spice and tastes yummy with the added coconut oil.I made this for this new year. You can also add a yellow pumpkin with it.

Sunday, April 13, 2014

PAYASAM / KHEER VARIETIES | Tamil New Year / Vishu payasam recipes

List of payasam  / kheer 

Ada pradhman                                                                                         Carrot payasam/kheer

Friday, April 11, 2014


mango dal

Today's recipe is an easy and simple mango recipe with dal,While surfing i found this is an main dish in andhra.Tried it ,loved the tangy taste of mango with the dal.

Thursday, April 10, 2014

Elai Vadam / Homemade rice papad | Vathal recipes (with a small video)

elai vadam

I usually watch all cooking programs in TV and my favourite is DD podhigai which shows program related to that season.Recently  they showed about vathal recipes which is usually made during this summer season.I too tried it ,its damn easy try it.

Wednesday, April 09, 2014

Double chocolate cookies | Eggless cookies

It had been many months hardly 5 months i haven't baked cookies yesterday i want to eat some choco cookies and decided to make it immediately.Its was chewy and yummy with a cup of tea.

Monday, April 07, 2014

Blue Berry Choco chips Ice Cream ( using blueberry crush) | With out Ice cream maker | Summer Special

At last i made it,yes since November 2013 i was wandering to make this ice cream and was searching for this fruit/crush.I couldn't get fresh fruit but got fruit crush and made this yummy ice cream.I added choco chips to it  for extra taste.Another reason for me to try blueberry ice cream is that i had some left over blue coloured whipped cream want to utilise it in it.Try and enjoy this summer.

Friday, April 04, 2014

Homemade Play Dough (Play-Doh) | How to make play dough( with video)

This is not a recipe its kids playing dough.Long back when i saw this on a site i said my son i will make for him as he like to play with it.But i couldn't make it immediately as it calls for cream of tartar for which i tried many months and at last got it on monday and made it for him that can see his activities in the video.As he is in his holidays enjoying with it.If ur kids love to play with clay then try this.

Wednesday, April 02, 2014

Julekake - Norwegian Christmas Bread | Eggless Baking challenge

For the march month challenge for eggless baking group, priya of enveetu kitchen suggested to go for this Norwegian Christmas bread.The original recipe goes for candid citron but i replaced it with some tutti fruity and candid orange peel.

Tuesday, April 01, 2014

Varagu ( Kodo Millet ) Idli | Healthy Millet Breakfast Recipe

varagu/ kodo millet idli

I have started to experiment all millets variety and my recent one is the varagu/kodo millet ,check my recipe index for various millet recipes.Mostly i have made dosai with millets for a change i want to make idli with this one tried it and it was yummy can't see any difference from our regular rice idli.Try to include millets in your food.