Friday, April 04, 2014

Homemade Play Dough (Play-Doh) | How to make play dough( with video)

This is not a recipe its kids playing dough.Long back when i saw this on a site i said my son i will make for him as he like to play with it.But i couldn't make it immediately as it calls for cream of tartar for which i tried many months and at last got it on monday and made it for him that can see his activities in the video.As he is in his holidays enjoying with it.If ur kids love to play with clay then try this.

cooking time: 10 mins
Yields- a big mass of dough
 source :musings


  • Flour /maida-1 cup
  • cream of tartar-2 tsp
  • oil-1 tbsp
  • Salt-1\2 cup
  • water-1 cup
  • food colour- as needed.


1.Keep all your ingredients ready.

2.In a pan add the dry ingredients.Then add in oil and water mix well and switch on.Keep stirring continously.

3.When it becomes little thick add in ur favoutite food color( i used liquid blue color) and mix.When it forms a big mass together in the pan transfer it to the kitchen counter.

4.Cool a bit and knead it well.

Play dough is ready.see my son posing for a shot with it.

I made two batches,one with blue colour another plain white.While kneading in kitchen counter i seperated batches added powdered food color to each batch and kneaded.

check in for the video how i made


1.You may think 1\3 salt is too high,it is needed as it act as a preservative.

2.You can add some flavoring essence also but be careful kids or pets may get tempt with the aroma and eat it.

3.Just after playing keep in zip lock/box and store.


  1. very helpful!!! where do you get cream of tartar in Bangalore or Chennai?

  2. How beautifully made play dough !!

  3. Can u suggest me good food colors brand which gives vibrant colors? The one I have doesn't give me such vibrant colors.

    1. I don't go with any particular brand.I use the local brand avaliable near this i have used all powdered type except blue which is liquid.To get bright increase the quantity.

  4. How long does it stay good? Do I keep it outside or store in the refrigerator? Thxs

    1. if handles properly i will stay good for more than a year, means after playing keep it i side a air tight container.Even if it becomes dry slightly sprinkle water & knead.


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