Wednesday, November 27, 2013

Peanut Chutney/Dip (without coconut) | Chutney Recipe

peanut dip/chutney

Look for any dip/chutney recipe for your favourite idli/dosa or savoury dumpling(kozhkattai) then try this super easy peanut chutney,its easy and yummy too.I already have a peanut dip recipe but thats with coconut.


  • Peanut-1\3 cup
  • Red chilly-3 r 4
  • Garlic pods-2(optional)
  • Tamarind-s small berry size
  • Salt to taste


1.Dry roast the peanut in a pan till a nice aroma comes.add in the red chilly and roast along it.

2.Cool it.(if u prefer rub the peanuts between ur hands to remove the skin,i  didnot do it).

3.Take it in a mixer along with (if adding)garlic ,tamarind and salt.Ground it to fine paste with some water.

Serve it with idli/dosa or anything you prefer.


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