Thursday, November 14, 2013

Oats Puttu (Oats Steamed cake) | Diabetic Friendly recipe | Step by step Pictures

oats puttu
As today November 14th is world Diabetic day Swathi  with some fellow bloggers have come with an awareness of it.So today's post is related to it.

 Now a days we can see  at least a person is affected by it in a family.In my in-laws  family my FIL was the first person  and now almost all his children are affected by it.My husband too.My husband take minimum carbohydrates but he in take more salads.I compel him to do exercise but no way.Good food habits with more fibre and regular exercise or walking will control it.

As oats is more fibrous  and good for diabetic person i have taken it to make puttu.I usually make puttu with rice flour,health mix flour sometimes wheat flour but for a change this time i made it with oats to say it was tasty and filling.We had it with kadalai curry.We can eat it  as such or with sugar too.


Oats-2 cup(i used Quaker oats)
Salt -1\2 tsp
Grated coconut-as needed


This is my puttu maker.don't worry if don't have it.See notes how to make it.

Take oats in mixer.

Just powder it.

Add salt and first mix.then add  little water and mix,it should be in powder form and also wet.(this is important).if the water is added was lit bit high and if  its not in powder form follow the  next step.

Take it to the blender/mixer and just whip it once.

See how it is .It will be wet and powdery.

In lower vessel add water.In the tunnel vessel place the perforated disc,add grated coconut first then powdered oats then coconut and so on,end with grated coconut.
Steam it for 7-10 mins or till done.

Tasty and healthy oats puttu is ready.

Serve with your favourite side dish.We had it with kadalai curry



1.If u don't have this maker just add grated coconut and mix well.Keep the dough in cloth,tie it and steam it in ur idli maker/cooker.

linking to WTML event of gayathiri @ sahasra recipes


  1. such a healthy and easy recipe...

  2. Yummy puttu.perfectly made.......

  3. this is really healthy... i think i should try this for breakfast some day...

  4. healthy, super tasty oats puttu. puttu is my all time favourite now this too.

  5. Super healthy and delicious puttu Babitha...

  6. wow such a healthy breakfast dear :) you sure are a good eater

  7. Thanks babitha for joining me in creating awareness on Diabetes on this world diabetes day. Delicious and healthy recipe,

  8. wow that a very very healthy and delicious puttu dear :)

  9. healthy puttu babi.. happy to follow u.. weill be glad if u follow me back..:)

  10. Healthy & different puttu. Thanks for linking.

  11. Healthy and tasty oats puttu ..Love it dear :)

  12. Looks so yummy! I'll make it for my children tomorrow.


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