Wednesday, November 06, 2013

Homemade Rose Syrup | How to make Rose syrup at Home

When i saw this syrup making here i wanted to try it immediately but i don't have roses in my hand.when i got some roses for my daughter's birthday i tried this.Its  very easy to make and you can have it in ice creams,shakes or juices.


  • Red Rose petals- from i big flower
  • sugar-1\2 cup
  • Water-1 cup
  • cloves-2


1.Clean the rose petals well.Arrange them in a microwave plate and microwave it for a minute.

2.Add the petals in bowl with a cup of water and boil it fOR about 4-5 mins.

3.Cool it and let it stay for a day.the next day filter the water and discard the petals.The water will have nice colour.

4.Add sugar and clove to it and boil till it form bubbles.

5,Cool completely and pour it into a clean bottle.Refrigerate till  you use.


1.the original one said to keep the petals in oven to dry it.I just microwaved it and dropped in water while boiling.

Linking to WTML event  of gayathiri happening at sahara's recipes


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