Tuesday, November 12, 2013

Whole Wheat Flour &Oats Brownies -Eggless | Eggless Baking

Looking for any easy baking recipe then try out this brownies which was so easy,yummy and full fill your sweet buds.Yesterday evening for an evening snack i made this and we all love it with coffee/tea.


  • Whole wheat flour-1\2 cup
  • powdered oats-1\2 cup
  • cocoa powder-3 tsp
  • granulated sugar-1\2 cup
  • Curd/yogurt-1\3 cup
  • oil-1\4 cup
  • Baking powder-1\2 tsp
  • vanilla essence-1\2 tsp
  • Walnut-1\4 cup(coarsely powdered)
  • choc chips-for topping(optional)

oats-wheat brownies


1.Mix wheat flour ,powdered oat meal,cocoa powder and baking powder.

2.In a mixing bowl add yogurt and oil and mix well.Powder the sugar and add to it.mix well.

3.Slowly add the dry ingredients to it mix well,if needed add some yogurt for mixing.

4.Fold in coarsely powdered walnuts and essence in to it.

5.Transfer it to a greased dusted pan and top it with choc chips.

6.Bake it in a pre heated oven for 25 mins ( or till a knife inserted comes out clear) at 180deg C.

Cool ,cut it and enjoy.


  1. Looks inviting! Such a simple egg less recipe! I will definitely going to try this.

  2. Tasty Brownies. happy to follow you. If you get time visit my space too

  3. Love the brownies, wow, Babitha, I must say that you excel in this healthy cooking!

  4. Tasty & yummy brownies. Thanks for linking.


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