Monday, September 22, 2014

Basic Homemade Fondant From Starch - DIY | Step by Step Pictures

homemade fondant

 September 20th was my son's birthday, for it i want to do a fondant cake with homemade fondant.Last year when i tried a fondant with homemade marshmallow i was not satisfied so this time i want to make rolled fondant.Starting a month before i started purchasing for it made this fondant 2 weeks before the birthday.It was really fun and i enjoyed the whole process with my kids.To try and give your feedback and if your are very creative you can do variety of shapes with this fondant and make your cake attractive.I referred many page and did this.Will share the cake i decorated with it in my coming post.

  • Warm water-2 tbsp
  • Gelatin- 2 n 1\2 tsp
  • Liquid glucose-1\4 cup
  • Glycerin-1\2 tbsp
  • vanilla essence- 1 tsp
  • Confectioners/Icing  sugar-3 cups + extra if needed
  • Vegetable shortening- 2 tsp(or as needed)


1.Take warm(not hot) in a bowl and sprinkle gelatin in it.Stir well it get dissolved.

2.Then to it add liquid glucose ,vanilla essence and glycerin ,stir well.Cool for some time.

3.In a mixing bowl sift the confectionars sugar.Make a dent in the middle and pour the gelatin mixture in to it.

4.First stir them using a wooden spatula ,then grease your hand with vegetable shortening and knead till all the sugar incorporated well.

5.Transfer the dough to a cleaned,greased surface and knead well which will soon become soft non sticky dough.

6.Cover the fondant with a cling film allow to rest for 24 hours and then you can work with it liking adding colours,shapes,etc,etc.


1.After working with it,wrap the remaining in cling film and store it in a air tight container.It stays well for a month.
2.You can also corn syrup instead of liquid glucose.In that case reduce the amount.

3.Don't keep it in fridge or freezer.But for long term we have to keep it there.Just take out hours before,let it come to room temperature.Knead and work with it.
4.When you are about to work and if the fondant break,add little glycerin or vegetable shortening and knead few minutes. it will become soft and pliable.
5.Always work it in a clean surface as dirt will easily stick in it.dust icing sugar or corn starch on the area to avoid sticking.

6.If your fondant breaks when working never never use water.Just add little glycerin or vegetable shortening and knead for few minutes.It will become soft and pliable to work.


  1. It looks easy and will surely try... But where do u get liquid glucose or corn syrup? Is it easily available?

    1. it will be available in bakery supplier shop.If you cannot find them near by online shops,In chennai i got it from wall tax road,near central railway station.

  2. such a perfect fondant :)

  3. wow...this is pretty nice:) Will surely this soon:)
    do look at my blog:)

  4. Thanks for sharing this,..what is vegetable shortening

  5. that looks easy and perfect...thanks for sharing :)

  6. Looks interesting recipe....... Good job !!

  7. Great recipe ,I was looking for this ,thanks

  8. where did you get liquid glucose??where can i buy it in chennai?Looks good.I also want to try for my daughters birthday.

  9. princy i got it in bakery supply shop,essence mart in Walltax Road,chennai

  10. what's vegetable shortening and liquid glucose.. where can we get it?

  11. Hi can I use vegetarian gelatin ?

  12. looks nice can I use agar agar powder instead n if yes how n how much plz guide


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