Friday, November 02, 2012

Mint-Coriander Thogayal

This chutney or thogayal is very easy to make ad can as side for ant dish,good with rice.


1.Mint leaves-1 cup
2.Coriander/Cilantro-1\4 cup

3.Coconut grated-3 tbsp
5.Urad dal-1 1\2 tsp
5.Green chilli or red-2 (acc. to ur spice level)


1.Clean both leaves well.

2.Heat little oil,saute mint leaves well.

3.Cool and transfer to mixie jar,saute urad dal and red chilli on the same pan and tranfer to jar.

4.Add tamarind,cleaned cilantro,coconut to the mixie jar and grind to fine paste,add little water.

5.Serve with hot rice or any dish.

Medicinal properties of mint:
Mint is one of the herbs that has it all. It grows like a weed, is perfectly safe for use, and is an excellent remedy for reducing symptoms related to digestion. And it tastes good going down! They don't serve after-dinner mints virtually everywhere you go for nothing. It is well known for its properties related to indigestion, stomach cramps, menstrual cramps, flatulence, upset stomach, nausea, vomiting, and colic in children. Make a Tea out of fresh or dried leaves for a tasty and refreshing after-dinner stomach soother. For the younger crowd, it can also be heated with milk for the same effect (and they will like it).  

15 more medicinal uses:

  • Decoction made with mint leaves cures all stomach ailments including indigestion
  • Boil few mint leaves in milk; add sugar to it and drink it when you have stomachache
  • Apply mint juice to acne every night and wash it with cold water early in the morning. This remedy works for dry skin also.
  • Add some salt to mint decoction and gargle with it to get relief from sore throat.
  • Apply mint juice on skin affected by Eczema, Scabies and Dermatitis
  • Mix 5 teaspoons lemon juice and 2 teaspoons honey in a ¼ cup mint juice to get relief from acidity, thread worms and Diarrhea.
  • Mint tea relieves from menstrual cramps and heavy menstruation
  • According to traditional medicine mint is a contraceptive. Taking ½ teaspoon mint powder with water 10 minutes before intercourse prevents pregnancy.
  • Taking mint juice at night before going to bed induces restful sleep
  • Taking mint tea half an hour before meals stimulates appetite
  • Infusion made with mint leaves is useful for cold, flu, hiccups and flatulence
  • Keep your breath fresh by chewing some mint leaves
  • Mint cures from dog bites, scorpion and beestings
  • Mint has an excellent wound healing properties
  • Infusion of mint is good for hypertonic diseases, atherosclerosis, and kidney and liver diseases

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