Tuesday, August 25, 2015

Savory Muffins | Eggless savory vegetable Muffins

I wanted to bake a savory muffins for a long time and i did it last week.With added vegetables and rava makes this muffins a perfect pair for evening tea / coffee.It so simple just sauting mixing and baking.Do give a try ,you can replace any flour for rava to a bake this.

preparation time: 5 mins

Baking time: 12-15 mins
Makes: 4 muffins


  • Rava-1\2 cup
  • curd-1\2 cup
  • Sambar powder- 1 tsp ( you can use garam masala along with chilly powder also)
  • Water-1\3 to 1\2 cup
  • mixed veggies -1\2 cup( coloured capsicum& carrot)
  • Eno fruit salt-1\2 tsp
  • oil-2 tsp
  • mustard-1\2 tsp
  • onion-1,small chopped
  • green chilly-1\2,chopped
  • chopped coriander leaves
  • salt to taste


1.In a bowl add rava and curd.Mix well.Add half of the given water and mix.
2.Heat oil a pan,pop out mustard seeds,add in onion green chilly,saute till it turns pink,Then add in veggies,salt & sambar powder.saute for a  while  add coriander leaves and switch off.

3.Add this to the rava-curd mixture and mix well.Check for salt & add if needed.

4.Pre heat the oven at 180 deg C.
5.Lastly add eno fruit salt and mix well.Pour in to lined muffin pan and bake for 12-15 mins or till done.

cool and serve with tea/coffee.


.Add veggies of your choice,you can add cabbage,peas,etc.

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