Thursday, August 06, 2015

Murugappa groups Baking Contest | Madras Week 2015

 Murugappa ,one of the oldest and leading company controlling stakes in number of small companies in  engineering,cycles,agro products,fertilisers, insurance and financial services has decided to celebrate Madras week 2015 with some exciting events. Murugappa group in association with Old Madras Baking Company  brings before you  Baking Madras contest with a twist.


The contest has three rounds in which the first round is a written  round where the participant need to  answer three simple questions and the last date to submit the entries is 20th August.

The second round is bake & bring , where the shortlisted participants from the round one need to bring the baked dish from round one  for the judges to taste.The selected people moves forward to the third round.

The third round which is called  Madras Mystery Box, is the live bake round where participants selected from round three has to perform a baked dish from the ingredients found in the mystery box.


Cash prizes of Rs.60,000
Exciting gift vouchers &
Hampers of goodies

Regarding contests rules and regulation please check Murugappa group face page
You can enter round 1 through their app here

Best of luck and happy baking. 

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