Wednesday, August 12, 2015

Jelly Milkshake | Cornflakes -Jelly Milkshake

jelly milkshake

This drink is so simple to make and taste awesome which is  idle for people who skip their breakfast.With cornflakes in it ,it not only taste yummy but make you feel full in tummy also.While browsing kelloggs website i got this recipe.Here i have added pineapple jelly but you can add you own jelly flavour and make the drink more yummylicious.
Preparation time: 5 mins
Cooking time: Nil
Makes: 1 big glass


  • Cornflakes-1\3 cup
  • Lightly warm milk-1 cup
  • Pineapple jelly-2 tsp + for topping
  • sugar-2 tsp ( adjust)


1.Soak cornflakes in milk for few seconds ( this is purely optional).

2.To a blender/mixer add soaked cornflakes- milk mixture,jelly.sugar and blend it well till everything has mixed nicely.

3.Pour in to serving glass top with some jelly and serve.


1.Add jelly of your choice.


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