Friday, August 15, 2014

Tricolour Cupcakes- Eggless and Microwaved | Independence Day special

Another virtual treat for Independence day which is nothing but a tricolour cup cake which is micro waved.For a long time i want to bake rainbow cupcake but it some how gets postponing today suddenly i decided to bake this and did.Hope will do my rainbow cake too soon.

Recipe source:own
preparation time:10 mins
Microwave time:15 mins at 70% power

  • Flour-1\2 cup
  • wheat flour-1\2 cup
  • Sugar-1\2 cup
  • Oil-4 tbsp
  • curd-1\2 cup
  • Milk-1\4 cup(adjust)
  • Baking soda-1\2 tsp
  • Baking powder-1 tsp
  • Green,orange food colour-1\4 tsp
  • Vanilla essence-1 tsp


1.Sieve both flours with baking powder.To the curd ass baking soda and mix well it will forth up.

2.In a mixing bowl add sugar,oil and essence.cream well til sugar is dissolved.Add in forthy curd mix and mix well.

3.Slowly add in flour mix  and mix well.Add little milk if its difficult to mix.Then separate mix into 3 portion.Add orange and green food colour to the two portion and mix well.

4.In a silicon cup cake mould add some portion of each colour.Then microwave it at 70% power for 15 mins along with a cup of water(this is to prevent from drying).

5.Cool and de mould.

Easy and tasty tri colour cup cake is ready in jiffy.


  1. yummy cupcakes dear.happy independence day

  2. Yummy tricolor cake... I planned to make this but ends up with tri color milk peda...

  3. Beautiful cupcakes! Happy Independence day :)

  4. COlourful cupcakes are tempting!!

  5. lovelyyy! Thanku for linking this recipe to my event Back to school Lunch Ideas


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