Monday, August 11, 2014

Saturday Snapshot Series #SS1

As a food blogger  i have to give a clear and decent picture of my food.But at first i found it very very difficult to take good snaps sometimes i used flash which made my photo horrible.But now i have just learnt a small step in it and want to explore more in it so i joined this series when shwetha and siri announced about it.

For the first week we have to take a picture of yellow fruit /vegetable.First i took it with  lemon but was not satisfied then we i got some mangoes i decided to shot with it.

Sending to Saturday snapshot food photography  by Siri foods and Merry tummy.


  1. The shot is good, however focus on taking the complete picture-use vertical frame.:)
    Thanks for joining in :)

  2. Hi Babi , I am here for the first time ...
    It is a good shot , knowing the fact you are new to shooting without flash. Well done. Try a vertical frame approx sized 700* 1100.

    Do hop over at my space Sandhya's Kitchen whenever you get a chance....


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