Sunday, August 31, 2014

My Natural Beauty Tips | Homemade remedies for Natural Beauty

As a women /girl we all love to be beauty and to look beautiful all time.For this we spent a lot in beauty products but is that bring out the beauty ? what do you say ,i 'll say NO.Its waste to put money in it and it end with some more problems on our skin.I mostly prefer natural home products for my beauty.Our kitchen pantry is loaded with beauty ingredients.


Few natural tips i would to share are:

1.Drink plenty of water.
2.Have a good sleep of minimum 7 hours.
3.Include more uncooked food like vegetables and fruits in your diet.
4.Avoid makeup .But in case you have to wear it then cleanse well after it.Be natural all time.
5.If using makeup products don't go for cheap one.
6.Avoid spending more time  on PC/tab/smart phone.
7.If possible do some work out else at least go for a walking

Some natural beauty tips from my side:

1.Cleanse your face with milk at least once a day.
2.Before a shampoo wash give a oil massage to your hair.Don't use shampoo as it.Dilute it with water and use.Better to use shikakai/natural hair wash paste.
3.Weakly once steam your face and apply any home made packs.

Since the beauty glimpse shares many natural remedies/treatment for all beauty related problems i love it the most and started doing it.They even teach us how to make natural shampoo which i watched the most.Do check in for all beauty related queries there.


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