Sunday, June 30, 2013

Uppu Seedai | Easy Festive Recipe

uppu seedai

Seedai is one of the easiest recipe one can make,first I too thought it will be difficult to make but after trying its was soo easy.Try this one and enjoy.I always like sweet seedai and my  daughter hate sweet dishes and so for her I made this  one evening.

Friday, June 28, 2013

Instant Kaju Katli | Cashew Fudge | Festive Sweets

instant kaju katli

 Kaju katli is one of famous Indian sweets which is easily available in almost all sweet stalls.This sweets is one of our family favourite.I already a have one easy method of making this sweets,no failure method,but this is damn easy than that. I came across this recipe here with instant method/no cook method,so I gave a try immediately and clicked it.Its very easy ,try it.

Thursday, June 27, 2013

Fig/Anjeer and Dates Halwa | Healthy Sweets

Fig and dates halwa

Its 4th Thursday of the month means it is vegan Thursday.Priya of Priya's Versatile Recipes has come with this new idea of vegan Thursday any blogger interested check her space for details.As this is my first post for vegan Thursday I decided to start it with a sweet.
My father brought me a pack of dried figs when he visited Israel holy land for a tour on May.It was lying on my fridge  for a long,i was wandering what to do with it,first thought to make fig milkshake,then later while browsing got this sweet from here, made light changes in the ingredients.The one think I love about the halwa is the crunchy effect of the fig nuts was something different,do try it if u get/come across figs.

Tuesday, June 25, 2013

Health mix Balls/ Sathu maavu urundai | How to make Sathumaavu /Health mix at home |

health mix ladoo

Health mix /Sathu maavu urundai/ladoo is one of the kids friendly ,power packed snack.I have been addictive to this flour recently,we can make puttu ,which I use to make often, with it and I love puttu.I made this with store brought powder,you can easily make it at home,its very easy.Here I have given the method to make sathu maavu,try it and feed your kids with healthy foods.

Sunday, June 23, 2013

Pepper Chicken Gravy | Chicken Recipe

pepper chicken gravy

Chicken is one of our main dish in almost all Sundays,to say the truth its a must.I very rarely cook mutton and sometimes cook beef. Kids too love to chicken and beef only they are not fond of mutton. Coming to the recipe last Sunday I made this,clicked and sharing it with you.

Friday, June 21, 2013

Walnut Coconut Chutney/Dip | Recipe with Walnut

walnut coconut chutney

Walnut ( Karat/akhrot  ) chutney/dip is one of the recipe which I got when browsing.I made it a day for dosa and had some dip left over,since I am alone in afternoon for lunch I just mixed it with rice ,to say the truth it tasted awesome with rice rather than in morning.Got it from here and made slight changes.

Thursday, June 20, 2013

Sweet Samos Recipe | Festive Sweet Recipe

 One afternoon my daughter said that I want to eat something sweet to eat,that too I want that sweet filled samos which she likes the most. I always crave to eat something sweet, so at once decided and made it.My daughter was surprised to see it after she returns from her hindi class.My son like bhaji more and for him I made that and fulfilled their liking.

Monday, June 17, 2013

Mango Sambar | Recipe with Mango | Gravy for Rice

mango sambar

 Mango  sambar the name may be look somewhat odd like,i too thought the same but after trying it it was very tangy,delicious recipe.If you are a tangy lover then sure you will definitely like it.Got the recipe from here.I usually make sambar with many vegetable ,first time making it with mango alone.Try it and you will love it.

Saturday, June 15, 2013

Easy Shrikhand | Recipe with Hung Curd | Quick Dessert


Shrikhand is one of the easiest dessert one can make and is a popular sweet in Marathi menu.Learnt while googling they use to serve this with puri ,doesn't look strange, each part has different food cuisine.This recipe just need mixing and no any extra effort to make it,while writing this post too I am eating a cup of it.

Thursday, June 13, 2013

Carrot Rice | Easy LunchBox Ideas | Left Over Rice Recipe

carrot rice

Schools have reopened after summer holidays, mummies will be little  worrying what to cook for the kids ,for me  to the same.I have toddler who is having full working from this academic year,i was little worried about his lunch,how he is going to eat, but to my surprise he likes what I am giving him for lunch finishes it off. This rice is also one among it, I gave him. Try out this easy,tasty rice.

This is how I made it.

Tuesday, June 11, 2013

Eggless Peanut Butter Cookies | Eggless Baking | Peanut Butter Recipe

eggless penut butter cookies

When I made peanut butter at home  I thought to do some recipe with it,but did not do & it was lying on my fridge for a long then all of  a sudden decided to make cookies with it.First thought why not try using an egg in it then decided it would be heavy for cookies and made eggless version.To make more colourful with it I pressed MM on it else  can use cadburys gems which attracts the lil ones more.

Sunday, June 09, 2013

Flattened Rice/Poha Dish | Easy Breakfast Recipe

flattened rice/poha dish

This is one of the easiest, simplest, healthiest dish one can make for a breakfast/snack. The ingredients needed for will be sure in all kitchen. I often make as evening snacks and rarely for breakfast and daughter like this dish more.

Try this.

Friday, June 07, 2013

Jack Fruit Seeds Stir Fry | Side dish for Rice

jackfruit seeds stir fry

Summer is a season when one will get jack fruit .whenever I go to my in-laws house in nagercoil I use to bring a jack fruit on returning since in my brother-in-law house there is a tree and its fruits is very very yummy one will never say no to it.But unfortunately the tree dried/spoiled due to some reasons and did not taste any jack fruit this year.
A week before my uncle, who went to kerala bought a jack fruit and gave me 1\4 of it.We ate those yummy yellow fruit and I made this stir fry with it.We usually cook the seed and eat as like it,for a change this time made a dish it.

Tuesday, June 04, 2013

Nungu/Palm Fruit Delight | Summer special

Nungu delight

Nungu/Palm fruit is one fruit which you can see only is summer,its one of the best thing to beat the summer heat.It has many medicinal properties.It known as Ice apple in English,its loaded with minerals especially phosphorus and calcium.With absolutely no fat in it, its a boon for those in diet.

Sunday, June 02, 2013

Eggless Mango Muffins

eggless mango muffins

 Mango is a super delicious fruit who will say no to this lovely yellow king of fruit.
Some mangoes were lying on my fridge for some time, I decided to make something with it and make it muffins,though I am a non-veg I love to bake eggless version very much.