Monday, September 24, 2012

Sweet flour/healthy flour

Have you all had of this flour,in our side we use to make this & give for kids,its very healthy.We use call this as" cheenee maavoo".Think this may be new to you all.Try it.

Raw rice
Coconut grated
1.Soak rice in water for 1 hour and dry under fan spreading on a cloth.Grind to a fine powder in mixie.
2.In a kadai first roast grated coconut & then add rice flour well.
3.When it is half done add ghee & mix well.
4.Beat a egg & add when the rice flour is 3\4 roasted.After adding egg lumps may be formed,lose it if formed & roast well.
5.When fully roasted& nice aroma comes remove from flame & cool.Powder in mixie & store in airtight container.
6.When using mix sugar to ur taste and eat.
Kids will surely like it.
1.Instead of white raw rice,red rice can be used which is more healthy.
2.If vegetarians u can avoid egg.
3.Mix with a banana & give it to your kid,i am sure they will like it.
Linking to event at akhlia space

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