Saturday, September 29, 2012

Golden yellow cake (eggless&butterless)

I like to bake cakes very much & i am trying it.Some came good  while other didn't.I just have a micro oven which don't support baking,so i use my stove top oven (cooker)for baking.

This yellow cake came out soft & good.Try it.


1.Maida-1 cup
2.Custard powder-1\2 cup(i used vanilla flavour)
3.Oil-1\2 cup(cooking oil)
4.Milk-1\2 to 1 cup
5.Baking powder-1 tsp
6.Sugar-3\4 cup(May increase to 1 cup if want more sweet)
7.Vanilla essence-1\2 tsp
8.Cashew for decoration(optional)


1.Seive maida,custard powder,baking powder twice for evening mixing.

2.I took 3\4 cup sugar & powdered it.

3.Mix oil & powdered sugar well till completely mixed to a smooth paste.

4.Then add ur flour mix little by little & mix well,the dough may get thick add milk to it & mix.finish off all flour like this.

5.Meanwhile grease ur baking pan,pre heat ur oven.

6.Pour the cake mix onto greased pan & bake for 30 to 45 min at 180 deg or until a knife or fork inserted comes out clean.( i decorate it with some cashew)

7.Allow to cool & remove from pan ,enjoy.

 Sending this to BAKE FEST zesty palette and Vardhini feast



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