Monday, October 20, 2014

Garlic Karasev | Savoury Snack Recipe

garlic karasev

Its almost Diwali, festival of lights in India and all will be busy preparing sweets and savouries for it.Another best thing happening monsoon has begun in Chennai and its pouring for past three days.For this raining days best accomplished with chai/coffee is some deep fried snacks.So on Saturday I made this for snack you can even make it in bunch for the festival season.


  • Besan flour-1 cup
  • Rice flour-1\2 cup
  • Red chilly powder-1\2 tsp
  • garlic pods-4 to 6
  • ajwain(omam)-1\2 tsp
  • hot oil-1 tbsp
  • salt to taste
  • oil- to fry


1.Take the garlic flakes in a mixer,first run then whipper mode then add little water and grind again.

2.In a mixing bowl add in both flour,salt,omam,chilly powder and mix well.Then add the garlic paste ,mix well.slowly add water and form a non sticky dough.

3.Heat oil for fry the sev.Add a tbsp of it to the prepared dough and knead well.Fill in the presser and squeeze over hot oil.Fry them well on both sides.

4.Drain it in a kitchen tissue.Cool well ,break it to smaller pieces and store it.

Else serve for tea /coffee.


  1. perfect snack while watching a movie ;)

  2. So tempting snack!! Perfect for the rains with coffee

  3. Oh these kara sev is so tempting ..Delicious looking

  4. Hello Babitha

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  5. Yummy and addictive garlic sev.. Looks so tempting


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