Monday, October 13, 2014

Oreo Cupcakes | Eggless & Butterless

oreo cupcakes

I decided not to go with a Indian sweet recipe this time and hence a baked one that too  its kids & adults favourite OREO cookies in it.After started baking i want to try different version in different means and thus this eggless Oreo cupcakes.

Preparation time:5 mins
Baking time:15-20 mins
Yields: 6 big cupcakes


  • Flour-1 cup
  • Granulated sugar-1\2 cup
  • Oil-1\4 cup
  • Curd/yogurt-1\4 cup
  • milk-1\4 cup or as needed
  • Baking powder-1 tsp
  • baking soda-1\2 tsp
  • Oreo cookies-5 ,crushed
  • vanilla essence-1 tsp


1.Sieve the dry ingredients and keep aside.crush oreo cookies well.

2.In a bowl cream sugar and oil well.Add in curd and mix well till the sugar is completely dissolved.

3.Slowly fold in the dry ingredients.If you feel difficult to mix add milk in between till all the flour is added.

4.Lastly add the crushed Oreo cookies and gently fold in.Pour it in a lined cup cake baking tin. and bake it in a pre heated oven for 15- 20 mins or till done at 180 deg C.

Cool and serve with tea/coffee.


1.Baking may vary from oven to oven.

2.Don't fill the tin till brim just 3\4 is more than enough as it leave room for the dough to rise.


  1. Must have tasted yummy with oreo in it .

  2. i am in love with these beautiful cupcakes

  3. The cupcakes looks so good...healthy and best for diet watchers !!

  4. Delicious cupcakes, love that it has oreo cookies in them.

  5. I & Monu Gillani are celebrating our very 1st combine event series - HM Besties Event #1 - Meat Lovers Month- U are most welcomed to link ur recipes here :) For details click here: Meat overs Month

  6. fabulous looking cakes... bookmarked...


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