Monday, May 19, 2014

Palada Pradhaman | Payasam /Kheer recipe

Today recipe is an easy payasam variety which takes a vital role in onam sadya / Vishu menu.I made this last month on Tamil New year day.I made it with homemade rice ada. Its was tasty.

Preparation time:15 mins
Cooking time: 30 mins
Recipe Category: Sweet/dessert
Recipe cuisine: South Indian
Author: Babitha


  • Milk-2 cups
  • Rice ada-1\4 cup(i used homemade u can use store-bought too)
  • Sugar-1\2 cup (adjust)
  • Cardamon pods-2
  • ghee-1 tbsp
  • cashew and raisins-few


1.Soak the ada in hot water for few minutes and drain.Since i used home made it will easily cooked and becomes soft this way.If using store brought cook it in a vessel of water and drain the water when cooked.

2.Boil the milk ,add in the semi cooked ada and let it boil for a  while.Crush cardamon pods in it.

3.Add in sugar and mix well.Wait for everything to  blend well and switch off.

palada pradhaman

4.Heat ghee in another kadai,fry the cashew and raisins in it and add to the pradhaman.

Serve warm or chilled.


1.For more creamier version u can use condensed milk also. In that case, add sugar only if needed.


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