Tuesday, April 30, 2013

Basic Sponge Cake- Eggless & Butterless

Vannila sponge cake

This is one of the basic cake, this can be made eggless and with egg.Since I have to make it for a month challenge I made it eggless.

Sunday, April 28, 2013

Mor Kuzhambu | Easy Gravy For Rice | Buttermilk Recipes

Mor Kuzhambu  is one of the easiest and quickest gravy which can be made in jiffy time,apt for lazy days when we feel bored of cooking heavy items.You can make this gravy with  any of these  vegetables lady's fingerfinger,pumkin,cucmber,poosanikai,etc to it.Each one has it own taste & flavor.Everyone have their own version of making mor kuzhambu this is mine.I usually make it without coconut only.

Wednesday, April 24, 2013

Homemade Peanut Butter

Peanut butter

Homemade peanut butter  doesn't sound interesting.Its very very easy to make you can make it in jiffy time without any preservatives or such.I didn't think that making this butter is soo easy. Thanks to blogging for it teaches many easy and simple recipes.Do try this yummy butter and enjoy.

Monday, April 22, 2013

Simple Vegetable Pizza

After starting my baking with yeast I decided what not make a vegetable pizza first and tried this.I want it to be more indianised and made many changes,got some idea from here.You can change the toppings as your wish,it can be anything veg or non veg.I have decided to make a chicken version of it and will let you know once it turn out good.

Saturday, April 20, 2013

Nankhatai- Eggless Indian Cookies

Nankhatai -eggless indian cookies might be well know by the people of Chennai who travel by the sub urban train,it just melts in your mouth.The main difference of this cookies from other is this made by ghee( clarified butter).

Thursday, April 18, 2013

Pearl Millet/Kambu/Bajra Pongal- Recipe with Pearl millet | Healthy breakfast

As I have said earlier in my posts apart from white rice I use other cereals to make dosai,pongal.You can see many such pongals like oats pongal,wheat pongal,ragi dosai,thinnai dosai,etc.Try to use these cereals more in your food at least twice a week.This time I made kambu pongal and it was excellent.I made it in my rice cooker,you can even make it with your ordinary cooker.
Try this and let me know.

Monday, April 15, 2013

Marshmallows Ice Cream

marshmallows ice cream

As I have said in my earlier post I have made marshmallows to make fondant only since my kids asked I made some ice cream with it.Its was yummy and tasted excellent for this summer.This recipe doesn't need much ingredients,do try this and enjoy.
I got the recipe from here.

Friday, April 12, 2013

Homemade Marshmallow without corn syrup

homemade marshmallow

As I have said earlier I love to try baking & baked products,i want try out something with fondant.so searched,searched for it got some idea,making fondant with gelatin was little bit difficult it says for a beginner,but with marshmallow its quite easy.Then searched for marshmallow recipe,many was this corn syrup,but I think we don't get it here at last got recipe without corn syrup,gathered things for it & made it.

My main idea is to make fondant only but as my daughter as I have decided to make some marshmallow ice creams too with it,i will let u know about the recipes & post it when I make.Now lets see about the basic marshmallow making now.

Thursday, April 11, 2013

Garlic Buns | Eggless Baking

Garlic bun

As i have mentioned earlier i love to bake more,i never thought one day i would try a bun/bread at home and it will come success.First i thank God almighty for giving me the courage& wisdom to do so,secondly i thank all co-bloggers post about it,their step by step procedure,tips all helped me.

 Also for this month egg less baking challenge,Gayathiri has announced to bake dinner rolls,first i thought how i am going to do it,baking a bread.bun would be a disaster.Then decided first lets try a bun and then confidently try other dinner rolls.Coming to the recipe i tried this from Raks Kitchen and the result was absolutely wonderful.When i checked for the yeast ,water become forthy then i was little confident that the buns would come good.

Wednesday, April 10, 2013

No Bake Biscuit Brownies


Biscuit brownies- no baka

I am not a brownie person but seeing so many brownies in other blogs I too want to try it and taste.First  I decided to make a easy one ,this recipe is no bake one and any one can it very easily.I got the recipe here.You can alter it by adding any nuts of ur choice.

Tuesday, April 09, 2013

Orange Squash/Juice | Summer Drink

Hot ! Hot ! every where hot,need something to cool.Juices is the best way for it.Make this squash & keep it ready in the cooler,drink it whenever u like to sip something cool.Its every easy to make.

Sunday, April 07, 2013

Methi Roti/chapathi

As I have said earlier I love gardening,but no way for me in apartments,but I try to do some planting here.This leaves too I grow in my apartments.I pray that in future I must have an individual house so that I can have my own garden.

This methi leaves is rich in antioxidant,iron and good source of fibre,its diabetic friendly too.Try to use it once a week.If you don't get this leaves ,try to sow some methi seeds in any container ,it will surely grow.

Saturday, April 06, 2013

Homemade Butter

When I write this post I do remember when I was small my granny use to mix curd with mathu and take the butter from it.After seeing many blogs I decided to take butter and to say for this I was collecting milk malai(aadai) for past 5 months.It came a medium sized container but the butter I got was just the quantity here.

Thursday, April 04, 2013

Curry Leaves Powder/ Karuvepillai podi

curry leaves powder 
Karuvepillai  known as curry leaves plays a main role in south Indian cooking.It is rich in nutrients and has unique aroma & taste.Its a iron packed leaves and it prevent the hair from greying.In a TV show I heard a person saying ,a person from type2 diabetic heredity if eats this leaf in morning empty stomach,he may in future has very less chance to get diabetic.Try use this leaves more in ur cooking,for kids grind it in some means & give them.

Tuesday, April 02, 2013

Ragi Dosa & Raisins Chutney | Healthy Breakfast | Recipe with Ragi/Finger millet

When coming to breakfast one has to intake  good & healthy of it to  start a day.I usually replace white rice with other cereals ,you can see variety of dosa like that in my blog,pearlmillet,horse gram,oats,thinnai.Do try to replace white rice with some other gluten free,less fat one.Coming to this recipe quite easy to make,if u prefer u can use without fermentation also,here I have used fermentated one.Raisins as you know has more health benfits,my kids if u add it in any food they would take out,but in this chutney/dip method they like it most,try to give children raisins.I  learnt that it prevent cancer cell formation,so use it.
