Monday, March 12, 2018

Curry Leaves Chutney| Curry Leaves Coconut Dip | Karuvepillai Thengai Thogayal

Curry Leaves Chutney| Curry Leaves Coconut Dip | Karuvepillai Thangai Thogayal

Simple yet flavorful chutney/ thogayal that goes well with idli, dosa, othappam or even can mix with hot steamed rice.Usually, when I get a bunch of curry leaf every time I buy vegetables half of it goes to trash as I just use it for tempering.Last time when I got some I decided to make some thogayal/dip to mix with rice.This summer I have decided to make more thogayal for rice than kuzhambu.So stay tuned to some dip which I make this season.

Preparation time:5 mins
Cooking time 5 mins


  • Curry leaves - 2 cups (loosely packed)
  • Coconut pieces-1\2 cup
  • Dry red chilly-8
  • Tamarind-small berry size
  • Garlic pod-1
  • Salt to taste
  • Oil-1 Tsp


1.Clean curry leaves well.

2.To hot oil add red chilly, curry leaves and roast well till the leaves shrink a bit.

3.Switch off and add coconut pieces, tamarind, garlic.Cool it well.

Curry Leaves Chutney| Curry Leaves Coconut Dip | Karuvepillai Thangai Thogayal

4.Add salt and ground it well with little water.

Curry Leaves Chutney| Curry Leaves Coconut Dip | Karuvepillai Thangai Thogayal

Serve for idli, dosa or even for rice.

Curry Leaves Chutney| Curry Leaves Coconut Dip | Karuvepillai Thangai Thogayal


1.I didn't temper it but if needed you can also temper.

2.Adjust red chilly.

3.If you prefer you can add a very small piece of jaggery.

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