Friday, February 09, 2018

Strawberry Yogurt | Fresh Strawberry Yogurt

I can have yogurt/curd as much as like it but this fruit-flavored was new to me when we went aboard on our last vacation.There I tried few varieties of it by my husband's suggestion.Back home at that time, we couldn't see much of this flavored yogurt in the market but now these are flooded in the market by various brand names.

As now strawberries are in season I tried this simple yogurt with it and had it all alone.First I didn't add sugar but adding sugar the taste was too good.So unless if you have any restrictions in adding white sugar avoid it else add it and enjoy

Preparation time 2 mins
Serves: 1


  • Fresh strawberries-5
  • Thick yogurt/hung curd-1\3 cup
  • Sugar- to taste (optional)


1.Clean and hull the berries.Grind it in a mixer.

2.To the thick yogurt mix ground berries, sugar.

Serve immediately.

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