Wednesday, March 23, 2016

Aam Ka Panna | Raw Mango Drink | Summer Drink

aam ka panna

One would say summer is officially in India as one feel more heat,sweat,thirstiness,etc,etc.Met department says the temperature now in March very much above the normal by 4-5 deg.I'm literally not willing to do anything due to this heat except just eat,watch TV ,read or browse.Many thoughts arise to try new recipes while looking other blogs my feel really lazy now a days.On Monday when my daughter was in her study holiday I some how managed to make this drink in my kitchen which I was eyeing to do more than a year.

Tuesday, March 22, 2016

Carrot Raita | Easy raita Recipe

carrot raita

Temperature is steadily increasing day by day and it has become difficult to with stand the heat.To say the truth I don't feel to cook anything these days and you can clearly see that I my blog where I posted very few recipes this month.If this happens now means can't imaging how it would be in April-may , when summer is peak.Try to drink more water and keep yourself hydrated ,avoid more spices in curries/gravies and make more meals with vegetables than meats.

Friday, March 11, 2016

Gobi Manchurian (Dry Version) | How to make gobi/cauliflower manchurian

gobi manchurian
Cauliflower is one of the seasonal  vegetable which is grown from a seed.The white head part is alone eaten.Its one vegetable which has an array of nutrients including minerals,vitamins,antioxidants and other phytochemicals.For weight watcher's this vegetable comes in handy as its not a starchy vegetable and high in natural fibres.One can have it as a salad, soup, cooked with other vegetables or as pot meal where it is cooked with rice and spices.
One major issue while dealing with this flower is that it has minute germs or insects hidden inside the florets.So great care has to be taken to remove it before making any preparation by letting it to be in hot water for a few minutes. If these germs are not removed it may cause stomach upset/poisoning.

Friday, March 04, 2016

Thayir Vada | Dahi Vada | South Indian Style Thayir Vada

Dahi vada/ thayir vada/ savory Indian doughnuts in yogurt  is one recipe where the deep fried vada either made fresh or leftovers in dunked in thick curd/yogurt and seasoned with some spices.Its one of the chat items widely seen throughout India.While browsing for this recipe I saw the difference of this recipe between south and north India is the addition of chat chutneys.North Indians were with both green and sweet chutney but down south, I found they add some spice powders.

Thursday, March 03, 2016

Raw Jackfruit Curry | Chakka Curry | Unripe Jackfruit Recipe

Today's recipe is one of the most widely seen dish in Kerala.Mostly people there would grow all sorts of vegetables for their cooking in their backyard and make fresh curries daily with it.When I see such houses I feel more jealousy for having big area to grow plants. .To control my envy of it I just started growing a very few of it in my terrace,hope it gives me good result.If so I will share pictures.

Tuesday, March 01, 2016

Strawberry Yogurt Smoothie | Breakfast Smoothie

strawberry yogurt smoothie

Today recipe is a very simple smoothie/shake with yogurt and strawberries.As I said in my previous post, strawberry preserve, as i want to make use of strawberry to the maximum I tried this yesterday for a drink after my breakfast.Its was yummy and filling and I didnot felt hungry to have my lunch.Its best to give kids when they are in a hurry during morning or for those who always skip their breakfast.