Tuesday, June 01, 2021

Roofhafza Mojito | how to make mojito

Roofhafza mojito is an excellent summer drink with a unique taste. It is one of the best thirst quenchers with mild taste of lemon, mint, and rose. If you don't have roofhafza just add rose syrup.

Roofhafza Mojito | how to make mojito

Preparation time: 5mins
Cooking time: nil
Recipe type; drink
Recipe Cuisine: Indian
Author: Babitha
Makes: 1 glass


  • Roofhafza-1\4 cup
  • Chilled soda-as needed
  • Mint leaves
  • Ice cubes
  • Lemon 

Roofhafza Mojito | how to make mojito


1. In a glass add ice cubes, mint leaves and lightly muddle it.

2. Pour in roofhafza, chilled soda, lemon juice and mix well.

3. Add few mint leaves, lemon wedges and serve immediately.

Roofhafza Mojito | how to make mojito


1. Instead of soda, you can also use aerated lemon drink /sprite or 7up.


  1. Adding soda to anything makes it amazing, isn't it? Lovely mojito...


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