Monday, September 26, 2016

Flaxseeds Tomato Chutney | Side dish for Idli / Dosa

We all know flaxseeds are rich in omega 3 fatty acids and many essential nutrients.For vegetarian, these seeds play a key role for this omega3 which reduces the risk of chronic diseases.These seeds can be called as powerhouse as it is loaded with high nutrition facts like high in fibre, low carbo,lowers cholesterol, helps in weight loss,good for skin and hair , gluten free,etc. Anything must be used in moderate and same is the case here also use it in minimal and reap the benefits from it.

Coming to the chutney one can many varieties with tomatoes and this is one just simple one but can go with any variation you prefer.

Preparation time:3 mins
cooking time; 10 min


  • flax seed- 1 tbsp
  • tomato-2
  • garlic pods- 4 or 5
  • oil-2 tsp
  • red chilly- 3 to 4 ( adjust)
  • salt to taste
  • mustard seeds- 1\4 tsp
  • curry leaves

1.Heat a tsp of oil, fry red chilly for few minutes and remove from heat.

2.In the same oil add flax seeds, garlic and saute till the seed crackle a bit.Remove from oil.

3.To the same pan add chopped tomato and saute for a while.Switch off.

4.Cool everything and grind to a fine paste along with salt.

5.Temper with mustard and curry leaves ,add to it.

Serve as a side for idli / dosa.


1.If you prefer light sweeter taste you can add little jaggery and grind.

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