Saturday, October 01, 2016

Papaya Milkshake | Breakfast Drink

papaya milkshake

Papaya is a super healthy fruit which one should never omit.This fruit is good for diabetic people also.I have seen my FIL eating this fruit fresh from the backyard after morning beverage and he used to always say fruit before breakfast is always good for health.But nowadays making children eat a fruit is really a tough job and parent has to find an alternative way for it.

I cannot assure whether kids will have this milkshake but if you educate the goodness of the fruits I hope they will.If you have any over ripe or any left over pieces of this fruit do try this milkshake and relish it.

Preparation time 5 mins
Makes: 1 glass


  • Papaya cubes- 1 cup
  • milk- 1\2 cup
  • sugar or honey-as needed


- Add everything to a blender/ mixer and blend well.
- pour in to glass and serve immediately.


1. You  can even add banana to it.
2.If you prefer a punch of ginger a piece can be added and blended together.


1.To dilute add either water or  milk.
2.For vegan option go for soy or almond milk


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