Wednesday, August 26, 2020

Chakka Pradhaman | Jackfruit Preserve /Jam Coconut milk pudding | Onam Recipe

chakka pradhaman

After making oats jackfruit appam i was left with half of the jackfruit preserve which i made before. Since Onam is nearing i want to make pradhaman with it and post it before.I make pudding/dessert only week ends and hence a week before i made this on a Sunday.Making this is so simple just mix the jam /preserve in thin coconut milk milk, add in sweetening agent, then thick coconut milk and switch off.Let us see it in details.
Preparation time: 10 mins
cooking time: under 30 mins
Recipe type: sweet/dessert
Recipe Cuisine: Indian
Author: Babitha
Serves: 2-3

  • jackfruit preserve/jam - 1\4 cup ( see notes)
  • Jaggery -1\3 cup 
  • Water-1\2 cup + 1\4 cup
  • Thin coconut milk-1 cup
  • Thick coconut milk-1\2 cup
  • crushed cardamon-1\2 tsp
  • ghee- 2 tsp
  • cashew-few


1.Take jack fruit preserve in a bowl add in 1\4 cup water and mix it well.In another bowl add jaggery & 1\2 cup water .make jaggery syrup with it and filter for impurities.

2.Add thin coconut milk and jaagery syrup to the jackfruit preserve and cook in low flame till everything blends well.Add in crushed cardamon.

3.When it becomes little thick add the thick milk and switch off.Fry cashew in ghee and to it.

Tasty chakka pradhaman is ready to serve for Onam sadya.


1.You can even make it with fresh jackfruit.In that case roughly chop or coarsely grind and  follow from step 2.

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