Sunday, June 14, 2015

Peanut Chaat | Protein packed snack | Zero Oil Recipe

Peanuts are protein packed food rich in amino acids which helps in proper growth and development of body.It also helps in fighting many illness like stomach cancer,regulates sugar,good for skin,fight depression and so on.For after school snack i just pressure cook it and give my kids.
Preparation time : 5 mins
Cooking time: under 15 mins

  • Raw peanuts-1 cup
  • Onion- 1/2,chopped finely
  • Tomato-1\2,chopped finely
  • Lemon-1
  • Chat masala-1\2 tsp
  • Red chilly powder-1\2 tsp ( optional)
  • Salt- to taste
  • coriander/cilantro leaves


1,Pressure cook peanuts with 3 cups of water and little salt for 3-4 whistle.After the pressure is released open and drain the water.

2.Add the cooked peanuts in a bowl.Add everything things except lemon) to it and mix well.While adding salt be careful as we have already added while cooking.Lastly add lemon juice and mix.

Serve this healthy chaat for snack.


1.You can also soak the peanuts in water for few hours and then cook.But i didn't soak.

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