Showing posts with label Recipe with bread. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Recipe with bread. Show all posts

Monday, July 12, 2021

Beetroot Bread | Healthy Homemade Bread

Beetroot Bread | Healthy Homemade Bread

Baking bread at home is also fun and kinda rejuvenating.Though I have baked baked bread / buns at home it was some long back may be two years before.So last week I decided to try my hand on yeast and tried masala spinach buns which was a massive it.We has it for dinner with mixed vegetable bhaji.

Monday, April 09, 2018

Omelette Sandwich | Bread Omelette Sandwich | Easy Breakfast Recipe

Omelette Sandwich | Bread Omelette Sandwich | East Breakfast Recipe

If you have a pack of bread then breakfast is an easy job.There are n ways of using it as a sandwich.Egg omelet sandwich is one such method.Some other bread recipes in my space include bread veggie cups, vegetable masala bread toast, bread potato balls, bread pizza , etc.

Tuesday, November 14, 2017

Bread Cups | Bread Veggie Cups | Kids Recipe

Bread cups is one easy kid's friendly recipe that had to be had as breakfast or snack.Making this recipe takes very little time.With veggie chopped in and cheese grated your food is ready in five minutes.I have used vegetables for filling but willing you can make it non-veg with some pan-fried boneless chicken pieces.Also, I have used whole wheat bread here you can use white bread also.Since wheat bread is healthy I mostly opt for it.

Thursday, October 19, 2017

Vegetable Toast | Vegetable Masala Bread Toast | Easy Breakfast Recipe

Vegetable Toast | Vegetable Masala Bread Toast | Easy Breakfast Recipe

When its weekend or day post festivalwe all feel lazy to get up and do our daily chores.Doing breakfast becomes a tough job as we get curled up under the bedsheet and not willing to get up.In that times if you have a packet of bread in your pantry, breakfast doesn't seem a tough job.With just few minutes you can prepare this yummy and healthy dish with lots of vegetables.Use vegetables of your choice.

Sunday, September 03, 2017

Chicken Sandwich | Chicken- Egg Sandwich | Easy Breakfast Recipe

chicken egg sandwich

I have posted many sandwich recipes on my blog, to add to the list here is my first non-veg sandwich with chicken and egg.Here I have used egg omelet in addition but you can avoid it if you feel its too heavy.This recipe can be made for dinner or breakfast, I made it for dinner.I just fried the marinated chicken but you can also boil the chicken, add spices and make the sandwich.

Tuesday, November 22, 2016

Potato Sandwich | Bombay Sandwich | Easy Breakfast recipe

Sandwich is one easy breakfast which comes in handy during busy morning time.Sandwiches can be made with many vegetables and innovation in it are countless.Some sandwich recipes in my space include Nutella sandwich , sweet corn sandwich , sooji open  toast , Avocado sandwich , etc.

Wednesday, April 27, 2016

Avocado Sandwich | Easy Breakfast Recipe | Avocado - Vegetable Sandwich

Holidays means no need to get early, no stress about what to pack for lunch,long morning sleep,lots of chilled beverages  and  more.Although we get up late I really feel irritated sometimes as i am clueless what to cook for breakfast as  no batters are stocked up in refrigerator .Some day i just make any instant flour and prepare easy recipes.

Breads  comes as great rescuer when its for breakfast.One can just make french toast,or any sanwiches or just spread butter/ jam and eat.Another time saving is we don't need to make any side dish for it .In this summer no  need to sweat too much in kitchen just make quick and healthy breakfast wih bread.

Thursday, July 16, 2015

Nutella Sandwich | Easy Breakfast Recipe | Kids special

An easy breakfast with the world's most favorite spread Nutella ,which will be ready in a fraction of time for busy morning hours.It can also be served as after school snack or kids snacks box.Here i have used whole wheat brown bread but you can also use white can even place a layer of fruits between them for extra nutrition.

Thursday, June 25, 2015

Spinach pesto & pesto sandwich | Easy Breakfast/ Dinner

   Spinach pesto & pesto sandwich | Easy Breakfast/ Dinner

Spinach pesto & pesto sandwich with step by step pictures.
I wanted to try this pesto with spinach for a long time and it got fulfilled last week.For one afternoon made this pesto with the healthy green, spinach which in turn applied to the bread to be grilled for the sandwich.It was super quick and easy recipe too. Do make a batch of this pesto and include it where all you can.

Wednesday, April 01, 2015

Rava/Sooji Vegetable Sandwich | Easy Breakfast Recipe

Now a days i started buying bread often since my daughter like to have sandwich which she makes by herself.For one fine morning as i was thinking what to make for breakfast i remembered a TV show featuring about this sooji/rava toast and made this for breakfast.Do try its very filling and tasty.

Saturday, February 07, 2015

Paneer & Capsicum Sandwich | Easy Breakfast Recipe

Now a days i have  started making more sandwiches because my daughter ask for more variety and another reason is its soo easy to make  very apt for lazy days.;;) You can check sprouts sandwich, vegetable sandwich, sweet corn capsicum sandwich in my space.Do check this easy bread pizza too.

Monday, November 10, 2014

Eggless French Toast -Sweet | Easy BreakFast Recipe

Life has become soo busy now a days for  many people and they opt for quick,easy and healthy breakfast.Bread comes a main role in this case.When you have some bread slices you can quickly fix your breakfast in few minutes.I usually make toast with egg,sugar and milk.When i saw this recipe here with custard powder i immediately tried it.It was tasty ans yummy.

Thursday, July 25, 2013

Vegetable Cheese Roll | Easy Snack For Kids | Recipe with Bread

Veggie cheese rolls

I am receiving Tarla Dalal 's  "Cooking & more "for more then 5 months and i have not tried any dish from it as sometimes as when i decide to make any, things won't be in my pantry.Two days before i decided to try this one from her book with slight changes.Very apt to feed the kids back from school.

Tuesday, March 26, 2013

Bread Upma | easy breakfast

When kids come tired and hungry from school we need to energize them,for my daughter first I will give a fruit drink then she will roam about looking for some snack,if I am making anything she wait to eat it hot.I love to try new dishes every day to fulfill her taste buds. This is one simple snack which can be made in just time and suitable for kids for after school snack. This can also be served as breakfast.

For variation, you can add capsicum, carrot, boiled peas,etc.

Tuesday, October 23, 2012

French Bread Toast(eggless)

This toast is easy  to make and its best for busy morning,my kids  to liked it.

Thursday, October 11, 2012

Indianized French toast(using besan flour)

This is the first time i tried a bread toast without egg,that too came out well and tasted very good.Do try this and i am sure u too will like it.Want to know how i made this