Monday, July 29, 2019

how to clean a burnt vessel (video included)

Last week I left my milk pot in low flame and went out. I thought I have switched off but when I returned back it was a disaster. The milk has all burnt up resulting a vessel totally charred. Initially
I thought I need to trash the vessel, later after seeing some videos I tried this method and it worked. It is so easy just any washing powder you use to wash the cloth is needed. The next time when accidentally burn a vessel try this method.

 Let us see how to clean this.

To the burnt vessel add any washing water. fill it with water. 
See that the water covers all the burnt portion. Boil it. gently scrape with spoon/knife after boiling for 5-7 mins.

Discard the water. Add some cleaning liquid and scrub with a metal scrubber. Wash off with clean water.

Your vessel will be clean,

 A quick video

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