Thursday, March 28, 2019

Kiwi Lemonade | Summer drink

Kiwi lemonade is an excellent summer drink to quech your thirst. It tasted best when servved chilled or with ice cold water and ice cubes. Just blending all the ingredients in a mixer/blender and serving it. no need to filter after blending the fruit. For more variation you can blend 2 mint leaves and dilute with club soda.

Preparation time:5 mins
Cooking time: nill
Cuisine: India
Type: Drink
Author: Babitha
Serves: 2


Kiwi fruit-2
Lemon juice-from 1 lemon
Sugar- 2 tbsp (adjust)
Cold water-2 cups
ice cubes- for serving


1. Cut the fruit and scoop flesh from it.

2. In a blender add fuit frllesh, lemin juice, sugar, ice water and blend well.

3. Pour into glasses , add few ice cubes and serve immedaitely.

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