Tuesday, February 12, 2019

Homemade popcorn | how to make popcorn

Homemade popcorn with step by step pictures.

Popcorn is one snack which is liked by all age group of people. When going out for cinemas in the mall one thing for sure would be this popcorn. I had few failures making this popcorn a home hence I mostly by a brand popcorn which never fails and my kids loved it. To get good popcorn the popcorn kernels is the key one. If it is good quality then your popcorn will be the best. To check whether its a good one, first popout one kernels and check if it pops out well then that popcorn kernels are good and you can make popcorn with it. If it didn't pop out kindly ignore it than wasting resources in making it.

Let us see how to make it easily at home.

Preparation time: Nil
Cooking time: 5 mins
Recipe type: Snacks
Recipe Cuisine: Indian
Author: Babitha


Popcorn kernels- 1/3 cup
Butter- 2 tbsp


1. Heat a thick bottom pan or pressure cooker.

2. Add butter. You can either add salt in butter or add it to the popcorn after it is popped out.

3. Add kernels to the butter. Check that all kernels and immersed in the butter.

4. Cover it and keep it in low flame. In a few minutes, you will hear the popping sound.

5. When all the sound has stopped. switch off.

6. Your tasty popcorn in ready.

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