Tuesday, February 03, 2015

My First Event Winner announcement..

Hai all,

 I am little bit late to announce the winner of my first event.Thank you all for linking your entries to my first event with giveaway.I thought i will get  more number but its okay .I said in my event page that if i get 250+ entries i will go for 2nd prize.But i just got 100 entries and don't want disappoint so decided to give 2nd prize too.

Here are the name of the blogger ,blog name and the number of recipes they have linked.

Beulah of Full scoop - 23 recipes

Amrita roy  of  Motions & Emotions - 21 recipes

Linsy patel of Home cook Food -  19 recipes

Mayuri patel of  Mayuri's Jikoni -13 recipes

Ree Rajh of Detectable Flavours -10 recipes

Gloria of Pepper chilly& Vanilla -6 recipes

Jaleela of Cook book Jaleela -6 recipes

Nisrath Jahan of Food factory - 2 recipe

Its well clear the first prize is to Beulah 

where she will  choose between  tart baking mould or cook & serve pot pan

2nd prize is to amita roy,where she will choose between  kettle jug or coffee tray.

Winners please select your gift and send me a mail to babithajcosta@gmail.com clearly indicating you address with pin code,contact number as soon as possible.

Winner if want to check the prize picture check my event page .
Others don't worry i decided to come up with events & giveaways  frequently.So do participate in it.


  1. Congrats and keep rocking...

  2. oh congrats to the winners!

  3. Yay!! Thank you so much Babitha!! Will send you a mail soon!

  4. Wow...thats great...thank you so much :)...I will mail you right now...

    Congratulations Beulah

  5. Congrats winners!!! It was so nice to participate!!!


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