Tuesday, January 13, 2015

Garlic Bread | Easy snack Recipe

Now a days i am  rarely blogging since my daughter's board  exam's are fast approaching i have sit beside her and encourage her.Please pray for her.I don't want my space to be idle long so decide to go with some simple recipes.Kindly bare with as some may contain detailed step by step pics and many may not.

Recipe source:cookingwithsapna


Bread slices
Chopped garlic-1 tbsp
Coriander leaves
Dried herbs-1\2 tsp
salt to taste
Olive oil-2 tsp


1.In a bowl mix butter with dried herbs,chopped garlic,coriander leaves and salt.

2.Take  a bread slice spread the mix on it.drizzle some olive oil over it.Cover it with foil and bake for 10 mins at 180 deg C.

Serve as snack for tea/coffee.

linking to cooking with comfort event


  1. wish your daughter good luck and this is a quick fix recipe...

  2. wishing her all the very best... that's a quick snack...

  3. easy to make snack and all the very best for your daughter..

  4. My prayers and well wishes for your daughter dear. Garlic bread looks delicious. Happy New year to you and family.

  5. wow such an flavvorful and tempting bread :) this is my all time fav !! perfectly made dear !!

  6. Easy snack/breakfast made with garlic flavour...All the very best for your daughter

  7. Flavourful and all time favourite snack.

  8. Yeah the recipe for Garlic Bread is a very simple. My little daughter loves cooking and she tried this one few weeks ago. She always try making dishes from online cooking videos but I allow her to cook only simple dishes because she is too young to work with kitchen appliances.


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