Monday, July 27, 2020

South Indian Filter Coffee | How to make filter coffee

filter coffee

I just love filter coffee but I don't know how to make it perfect. My husband bought me a filter some long years back and i never used it as i don't make a perfect one. Whenever we go for a restaurant I order this filter coffee for me. But things have changed after blogging. Looking at bloggers posting this coffee recipe I to want to try it. After some failure now I can say confidently that I too can make good filter coffee(  hope can make more perfect degree coffee in experience).

Preparation time: 15 mins
Cooking time:10 mins
Recipe type: drink
Recipe Cuisine: South Indian
Author: Babitha


  • Filter coffee powder-3 tsp ( i have used leo brand)
  • Milk-1 cup
  • Sugar-2 tsp(adjust)
  • Water

This is the picture of the filter  which has 4 parts.

Lower compartment-where the decoction is collected
upper part-where u have to put the coffee powder n pour hot water and place above the lower compartment.
strainer-which u have to place over the powder
lid-to close.


1 . Heat the required water say about 3\4 to 1 cup. On the lower part of the filter place the upper part. Add 3 tsp of filter coffee powder and gently press it. Then place the strainer over the powder, pour hot water over it and close the filter immediately with the lid..Keep it for some time (say about-10 to 20 mins) undisturbed.

2. Meanwhile, boil the milk well. To avoid it from cooling u can double boil it, this way it says hot and does not burn at the bottom. But I boiled mine when the decoction is almost set.

3. In a cup pour hot milk, sugar, and froth well. Add in required decoction to it froth it well and serve hot.

Its usually served in " Dabara tumbler"

filter coffee


1.Add the decoction according to ur coffee strength, if u want high strength coffee to add more decoction else add less quantity.

2. Use fresh milk and also don't dilute the milk with water.

3. Use good coffee powder.Seal the coffee powder well for a good aromatic coffee.

4. Don't reheat the coffee,it will not taste good.

5.If u have some leftover decoction keep in the fridge and use it within a day.


  1. aah.. thats a tempting filte coffee.. would love to have it..
    happy to follow you.. pls do follow me back.. lets stay in touch

  2. Useful post! Tempting coffee!

  3. tempting filter coffee.. always ready to have it..

  4. Nothing can replace filter coffee taste

  5. Filter coffee looks delicious, my favorite

  6. Lovely cup of coffee...and those cups, I always loved them.

  7. I love filter coffee. Thanks for creating a fabulous post

  8. Coffee Aristotle18 August 2014 at 15:29

    Good filter coffee is pretty simple to make. It is just a standard formula; just that you need to get the right coffee powder with the coffee-chicory mixed in the right proportion (say, 80-20).
    A coffee is 'Coffee' ONLY if it tastes good. I would rather prefer hot water to an imperfect coffee. To perfect the art of making coffee, you need to try a couple of times before actually you can.
    However, if a person (like the coffee-master in a restaurant) who regularly makes coffee but hasn't perfected it, it is just a CRIME! :D It only tells the attitude of the person of not really caring to make a good cup of coffee.

  9. Can't live without filter coffee..nice step by step pics..

  10. You can come pretty close to Madras coffee with even instant coffee powder like Nescafe or Bru. The two secrets are: boil the milk; and then really stir the mix as the teawallahs in Chennai do between two containers.

  11. I am thankful to this blog giving unique and helpful knowledge about this topic.
    Instant Speciality Coffee


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