Tuesday, July 02, 2013

Flaxseeds Balls/ Ladoo | Healthy Sweet | Recipe with Flaxseeds

Flax seeds balls

Flax seeds is one of the more nutritious seeds, its a high source of Omega 3 fatty acids, antioxidant and fiber.Its very low in carbohydrates and ideal for people you like to intake less carbohydrates.

      Yesterday evening I was wandering what to make for kids when they return home,suddenly stuck up with an idea to make this and made.Kids first refused to eat, then saying the benefits of it ,they ate.One thing the sweetness was less,so increase it little.
 This is very very easy,try it.

Prepartion time: 5 mins
Cooking time: 10 mins
Recipe type: snacks
Cuisine: Indian
Author: Babitha
Makes: around 6-8


  • Flax seeds- 3\4 cup
  • Peanuts- 1\4 cup
  • Fried channa dal/chutney dal/pottukadali- 1\2 cup
  • Badam/almonds -4
  • Ghee-as needed
  • Jaggery- 3\4 cup(powdered)


1.First dry roast the flax seeds well it a pleasant aroma comes,be careful not to burn it.then take it aside.

2.In the same pan dry roast peanuts and transfer it .Allow to cool.

3.In a mixer add dry roasted things with other ingredients except ghee and
 grind it to a fine powder.

4.Transfer it to a bowl,heat ghee and add to it.take a lemon size of the  mix and make balls.

5.Repeat for all the mix ,cool and store it.


1.You can add nuts of ur choice.

2.If u prefer u can add a elachi/cardamon to it and powder it.

3.After roasting the peanuts ,u can crush then with ur hands and blow out to remove the skin,i made balls with the skins.


  1. Sounds really really yummy and healthy.

  2. looks delicious and a nice way to include flaxseeds

  3. That's a very healthy & yummy ladoos :)

  4. Very very healthy and lovely ladoos...

  5. I think you should link this to blog hop by Swathi Iyer's space.

    Very healthy and nutty laddoo

  6. That is delicious treat Babitha, Love it.

  7. oh that is super healthy and super delicious!!! Thanks for linking it to my event!! Looking for more yummy recipes!!
    Event - Flavors of Germany/Savory
    Event - VFAM–Onions

  8. Thanks for nice information . Eating right is important for being healthy . I have recently started to include flaxseeds in my diet . Unfortunately, it is not available in my nearby store so I need to order online from http://stores.ebay.in/HealthyIndia-Path . Please note flaxseeds is bulky item so shipping charges might be little on higher side so first try at your nearby store then if not available then only by from http://stores.ebay.in/HealthyIndia-Path .


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