Tuesday, August 27, 2019

Foxtail millet Sweet dumplings in coconut milk | Thinai Paal kozhukattai

paal kozhukattai

As festivals are nearing many will be thinking what to make for it.This festival why not make something different from regular rice-based kozhukattai to millets.Last week I made this for snack I also made another version which I  will post soon so stay tuned.

 Preparation time: 15 mins
cooking time:15 mins
Recipe Cuisine: Indian
Recipe category: Snack

Author: Babitha


  • Foxtail millet/Thinnai flour-1\2 cup
  • Rice flour-2 tbsp
  • Jaggery-1\3 cup
  • Coconut milk-1 cup
  • cardamon powder-1\2 tsp
  • hot water
  • salt-1\4 tsp


1.Dry roast the thinnai flour till a nice smell comes be careful not to burn it.If using store brought rice flour roast that too ( i skipped it since I used homemade).

2.In a bowl add both flours,salt and mix.Slow add hot water and make a soft non sticky dough .Make small gooseberry sized  balls out of it.

3.Place it in the steamer and steam it.Meanwhile make a syrup with jaggery and heat it when it has dissolved well filter to remove the impurities.

4.In a pan add jaggery syrup and coconut milk and allow to boil , then slowly drop the cooked millet balls and cardamon powder. let it boil for some times.Then switch off.

Healthy thinnai paal kozhukkatai with jaggery with ready to serve.


1.I used coconut milk powder to make coconut milk.You can use fresh /store brought milk too.
2.If it is too sticky  then add some ghee and knead the dough to a soft pliable one.


  1. Its so yumm and inviting too..

  2. my favorite paal kozhukattai with healthier version.

  3. Healthy paal Kozhukattai:-)

  4. Very healthy and yummy paal Kozhukattai.

  5. yum yum looks so inviting

  6. Wow...so tempting dish...looks delicious!

  7. Great job. Am gonna try for sure.Waiting for other versions.

  8. Healthy Kozhukatti i am sure it tastes damn good.


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