Friday, August 18, 2023

Tomato Soup | Soup recipe | How to make tomato soup

Days are getting shorter and nights are long and cold.Evenings are so cold and we log for something warm/hot.To cope it up soup comes in handy.I am not that a soup person but also won't  avoid if I get a hot bowl when it is cool outside.My son would grab a packet of a readymade packet of an instant soup when we go for grocery shopping,mostly it would be sweet corn soup packet.No one in my family will order tomato soup or like towards it, but things changed after our trip during summer.When we went for a short trip to Coorg we had an opportunity to taste tomato soup with bread sticks.It was totally yummy and we all started liking this soup.

Wednesday, August 09, 2023

Oats Pidi Kozhukattai | Oats Recipe

oats savoury kozhukattai

Looking for any easy and healthy breakfast/snack then try this recipe which is super duper easy and yummy.It can also be had as evening snack for kids from school as i made it.My kids just love it .

Tuesday, August 01, 2023

Samai Paal Payasam | Little Millet Pudding | Millet Recipe

We all know about the health benefits of millets and many would have been using it in many can check all my millets recipes from my recipe index.Here i have use it to make a sweet dish,a pudding which not only taste good but healthy too.Do give a try this payasam with the millet in alternative to your regular rice.