Wednesday, June 01, 2016

Mixed Fruit Custard | Easy Dessert Recipe

I don't know why it took a long time for me to post this easy and simple dessert in my little space.Whenever I decide to make this custard something made me for not doing it and some what I decided to do this last month When i had a box of cut mixed fruits.

Making this custard iso simple you can easily make the custard in advance and keep it refrigerated.When You decide to serve it just add the chilled custard to the mix fruits and serve.

Preparation time':10 mins
cooking time: 10 mins
cooling time: minimum 2 hours.
serves; 3


milk-2 cups
custard powder-1 tbsp ( I used vanilla flavoured)
sugar-1\3 cup ( adjust)
mixed fruits- 1 cup

How I made:

1.To a half cup milk add the custard powder and mix it well without any lumps.

2.Heat the remaining milk.Add in sugar and mix well.When it boil add the custard -milk mix and stir continuously.

3.Keep stirring till it becomes semi thick.Switch off.Let it come to room temperature.Keep it in refrigerator.

4. While serving divide the fruits into serving glass add in chilled custard to it.Top it with few pomegranate kernels and serve immediately.


1.Adjust sugar to your sweetness level.
2.Can use fruits of your choice.
3.I have used vanilla flavoured custard but you can use other flavoured custard powder also.


  1. I love this dessert any time! Those spoons look nice...

  2. My favorite dessert. Love it


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