Monday, November 09, 2015

Tirunelveli Halwa | Godhumai Halwa | Halwa Recipe

Tirunelveli Halwa | Godhumai Halwa |  Halwa Recipe

Wheat halwa with step by step pictures.

Happy Diwali <:-P to all my readers, have a fun filled and safe diwali.At last I tried my hands on traditional method of making halwa of Tirunelveli which is near to our home town. When ever we travel down south Tamilnadu we make sure to buy some halwa at Tirunelveli.I referred Raks kitchen to do it with some slight changes.I needed the sugar & ghee amount.The tricky parts are the caramelisation ,then the addition of water and continuous stirring.If we miss it the halwa may turn bitter.
Preparation time: 15 mins+ 8 hours soaking
cooking time: 30 mins
Recipe type: sweet
Recipe Cuisine: South Indian
Author: babitha

  • wheat berries/samba godhumai-3\4 cup
  • sugar- 1 cup
  • ghee-1\3 cup + 1 tbsp
  • cashew nuts-few

Tirunelveli Halwa | Godhumai Halwa |  Halwa Recipe


1.Soak wheat berries in water for 8 hours or over night.Next day discard water and transfer it to the mixer.Add half cup water and grind it well.Extract wheat milk from it.Then transfer the residue again to mixer with another 1\2 cup water and extract milk.

2.Keep the wheat milk to stand still for some time.You will find thick milk settled at bottom where as water on top.Slowly discard the top water.

3.Heat a tbsp ghee in a non stick pan.Roast the cashew nuts and keep it aside.The add 1\2 cup sugar with little water.Wait for it to caramelise.It slowly become dark browned colour ( be careful not to get burnt) add 1 cup water again.Mix well if any sugar solids found.

4.Add the remaining 1\2 cup sugar to it and cook till it reaches one string consistency.slowly add the collected wheat milk to it and stir continuously with adding ghee in between till it leaves the sides of the pan.Add the fried nuts to it and mix .

5.Spread it on a greased plate,cool and cut or scoop it in bowl and serve.

wheat halwa


1.continuous stirring is important.

2,Be careful while adding the 1 cup water to the caramelised sugar as it will splutter.

3. Since i reduced the sugar from 1 & 1\2 cup to 1 cup i felt the halwa not too sweet. You can increase a bit.


  1. delicious halwa dear...have heard a lot about this halwa...will try it someday..

  2. That is an interesting recipe. Its so nice to learn about traditions followed by others. Happy Diwali.


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