Wednesday, March 18, 2015

Neeragaram | Palya Sadam | Leftover rice porridge | Summer Cooler

Neeragaram | Palya Sadam | Leftover rice porridge  |  Summer Cooler

Neeragaram / palya sadam is the one best  cooler for summer which does not need any great cooking technique.Just soak it and drink it.It very healthy,filling  and best coolant.


  • left over rice
  • Butter milk- 1 cup
  • Water
  • Salt to taste
  • Pearl onion/shallots 
  • curry leaves

Neeragaram | Palya Sadam | Leftover rice porridge  |  Summer Cooler


1.Add enough  water such that the rice is immersed in it  along with little salt to the left rice.Cover and keep it over night.

Neeragaram | Palya Sadam | Leftover rice porridge  |  Summer Cooler

2.Next day morning add butter milk,chopped  pear onion,curry leaves,mas it well with your hand.

Pour in to cup and drink the easy and cheapest cooler.
Serve with any pickle or plain with onions.

You will feel the difference while it  pass through your food pipe.:P

Neeragaram | Palya Sadam | Leftover rice porridge  |  Summer Cooler

Try this easy and tasty cooler this summer and stay cool.


  1. This sounds interesting... there is something called pazhankanji, which is rice soaked in water overnight...

  2. Sounds very new. Maybe I'll give it a try. Sounds tasty.

  3. @Babita: you make me surprised .I love the combination of buttermilk and shallots. The most interesting part is NO COOKING required... I am now eager to try this recipe.. will definitely let you know..


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