Friday, December 13, 2013

Pistachio Cardamon Cake | Cardamon Flavoured pistachio cake | Eggless Baking

pistachio cardamon cake

December 5th was my dad's birthday,for that special day i baked this lovely  aromatic cake.The compliment i got was,its just like the one we get from bakery and very very yummy.

Preparation time-20mins
Baking time:30-35 mins


  • Flour-1 & 1\4 cup
  • Granulated sugar-3\4 cup
  • Cardamon/elachi-10
  • Pistachio-1\2 cup
  • melted butter/oil-1\2 cup(i used canola oil)
  • milk-3\4 to 1 cup
  • yogurt-1\3 cup
  • baking powder-1 tsp
  • baking soda-1\4 tsp
  • Pistachio-few(for topping)


1.Sieve flour with baking soda and baking powder.Powder the sugar with cardamon(remove the husk and add only the seeds) and keep aside.Powder the pistachio also.

2.Cream oil with sugar well.Add in yogurt and mix well.

3.Slowly fold in the flour mix and mix well ,add milk to get the correct consistency.

4.Lastly add in the pistachio powder and gently mix.Pour it in to a greased baking pin and top it with some broken pistachio.

5.Bake it in a pre-heated oven for 30-35mins at 180 degC or till done.

6.Cool it well and demould.

Can be served with a cup of tea/coffee.


1.Baking time may vary from oven to oven.


  1. Loving this cake and recipe! shall make it for my mom's birthday coming up :)

  2. flavorful and delicious cake, looks very moist and soft...

  3. Super moist and fabulous cake, simple but awesome!

  4. love the way to you have presented dear!! very tempting!!

  5. Pista cake looks awesome dear :) well prepared

  6. Hello, nice recipe.... can you please share the cake pan size for this flour quantity?

    Also pls share any simple frosting that goes with this cake?


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